Outfit: 020513

(Shirt: MargaretHowell, Pants: Uniqlo, Linen scarf: Italca, Shoes: Diana (JP))

I have been getting good sleep in the past couple of nights, but I have had some bad (recurring) dreams too. Last night's dream was particularly disturbing because it was very emotional, and felt very real. Although, if such dream did occur in real life I don't think/believe that it would have the same emotional impact because I often find myself so exasperated and frustrated with that person to the point of wishing that it would actually happen, and if it did I wouldn't care less....

I finally got to wear my yellow top. I bough this shirt last year and I haven't had a chance to wear it for several reasons. One, when I purchased it I didn't think the colour would be so bright, so I was lost for ideas with what to wear it with. Two, I was pregnant, which despite it's looseness was still not loose enough for my baby bumped then. And three, the unsuitable climate/season. So yesterday I accidentally paired this two together and was surprised that (I believe) it complimented my polka dot pants.

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