Trial relocation

I'm going to try using tumblr for a little because I want to find out which blogging platform is more user friendly. I really like tumblr. I have a tumblr blog/account which mostly showcase what I personally like,  things that appeal to me which other tumblr users, whom I follow, have posted, hence mostly made of reposts. The name of this tumblr blog account will be the same but the url address is This account will be exactly like blogger, mostly (not too) personal ramblings about clothing etc. I hope that it'll be easier and more user friendly/appealing than blogger. Don't get me wrong I like blogger, but I'd like to try something new, and if it doesn't work I will have this one to come back to. I will keep on posting here until I have completely finished editing the tumblr blog, and once that has been accomplished I will still continue posting. See you at tumblr (hopefully).

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