I'm going to try a different approach to this blog. I'm going to attempt to write more about current events or thoughts in/of my life. Nothing too personal or private, just ramblings. This way I have the chance to give my writing skills some practice. Now that I'm not in school anymore I kind of miss writing, so this blog of mine will hopefully be more of a journal. We'll see anyway. If anyone is reading please don't pay too much attention because it may not make sense.

I haven't really posted any fashion or beauty, or anything for that matter, for a little while. You see I've been busy with my newborn daughter, and she's pretty much taken up all of my time. It's kind of been a blessing in disguise (the time consumption, and the bubba, herself, is of course a blessing), because I haven't had the time to think about anything else but her. It's also changed my perspective in regards to shopping and spending, I no longer have the appetite I once had, or the itchy feeling of having to buy a new piece of clothing almost every week. My craving for shopping or wants have been curved. As of now I have no desire to buy any piece of clothing, rather I am completely satisfied. In fact I feel that if I ever buy anything it would be a complete waste of money, unless I utterly need it (which I don't). This has been in contrary to my past behaviour- and completely loving it. However (of course there is always a 'but'), I am developing quite an appetite of spending things for my home. Nothing huge, just little bits and pieces, and nothing recently, but I am looking at saving for something to purchase for the home. This change has replaced the excitement I once felt for clothes shopping- I know just replacing one addiction for another, but I think it's more beneficial all around, more selfless.